UCHS Science Department

APES Student Using PASCO Probeware
APES Student Using PASCO Probeware

Because of recent budget cuts, the UCHS science faculty had not been able to replace some older and broken equipment, keep experiments properly refrigerated, nor do common blood typing with students which had been done in past classes. Through a number of our Teacher Grant applications, the department received almost $2,800 to fulfill many of their immediate needs!

“Thank you so much to EdUCate!  The Science Department truly appreciates the opportunity to make large requests that benefit the UCHS students.  We have been so fortunate to have UC community members dedicated to education and especially to Science needs, understanding how much is required to run effective science classrooms. I know the Wash Bottles and Density Flow Table that were granted through this process are of great value to our labs.” – Tara Howell, AP Environmental Science/Earth Science Teacher and Science Department Chair