UCHS Band and Orchestra

Cameron Brown joined UCHS in 2011 with lots of enthusiasm for growth. An orchestra was added, enrollment was up and they needed new equipment. “We are aggressively fundraising to support a budget of $28,000 for recurring expenses such as competitions, buses, uniforms, supplies and coaches…these grants will benefit the program for many years to come and allow more students to participate in music who might otherwise not have such opportunity,” stated Mr. Brown in his grant application for drum stands. We were able to fully fund his application through our teacher grant program.

UCHS Band Color Guard

“Thank you so much for this wonderful news!  I will pass this information along to the UCHS Music Boosters who will decide which purchase option will work best.  I will also pass along the good news to the hard-working students in our drumline who are about to get some very useful equipment that will help them at athletic events and similar gigs for years to come!  Teachers in the UC cluster are so lucky to have groups like EdUCate and the Centurion Foundation supporting our efforts and providing opportunities for us to enhance our teaching.” – Cameron Brown, UCHS