Spreckels Second Grade Teacher, Erin Nordlow

Second grade teachers have so far not been included in the district roll out of Promethean technology. In order to tap into the enhanced instruction capabilities of today’s technology, Ms. Nordlow requested an iPad through our Teacher Grant Program. Ms. Nordlow’s request listed very specific ways she planned on using the iPad to enhance instruction in reading with an application that provides “tracking and phonetic awareness and fluency;” in math using “Mad Math,” “Math Bingo” and “Math Board;” in writing using “My Story Kit;” in science using interactive apps and with English learner applications that “increase participation, understanding and motivation through visual support for language learners.” She had so many incredible ideas for an iPad’s enhancement of the classroom!

“THANK YOU!  I am so grateful to EdUCate to have the opportunity to begin using the ipad technology in my classroom!  The kids will benefit greatly. I appreciate all of your time and efforts to support our students!  I’m buying apps and doing additional research in preparation!” – Erin Nordlow, Spreckels 2nd Grade Teacher