Independent Reading Books, Ms. McKenna
After having taught kindergarten for fourteen years then “double promoted” to a second grade teacher, Dana McKenna was thrilled for a new opportunity but was challenged with a lack of grade level appropriate books. Additionally, she needed a more efficient way to utilize co-created charts for in class discussions with students.
“The bulk of my independent reading books were leveled for kindergarten, even some for first grade, but I knew I was lacking in appropriate books for my second grade readers. Receiving the EdUCate grant allowed me to purchase two overflowing bags of chapter series books for my classroom and a double-sided white board easel! My students were THRILLED to have new and more books to read!” said Ms. McKenna. “Having a double-sided easel allows me to utilize multiple charts at the same time during classroom discussions, as well as leaving them accessible to my students…thank you once again to EdUcate for supporting the needs of our students and teachers in the UC area!” – Dana McKenna, Doyle Elementary