Curie All Grade Science, Mary Ricci
“Science education sometimes takes a back seat with the push of reading and math being so strong,” states Mrs. Ricci in her elementary science Teacher Grant application. Mrs. Ricci had a long list of hands-on science equipment and materials that Curie had not had the funds to purchase over the last few years. She is passionate about science education and recently conducted Curie’s Science Night for grades 3-5th. According to Ricci, “science night sparks imagination and discovery, exposing children to science concepts as they experiment at various science tables set up in the cafeteria. My favorite expression is to hear a child say ‘wow’ when doing a science activity. Thanks to EdUCate and its commitment to help our Curie Scientist we were able to feature the Chinese Spouting Bowl where students were able to make water dance.”
We were so happy to be able to help Mrs. Ricci with $950 worth of materials like: Viscosity Oil Tubes, Mysterious Magnet Tubes, Waterless Crystals, a Dinosaur Museum in a Box, a Tabletop Light Panel and other educational materials to enhance the science education of Curie students.