U.C. Principals Granted $40,000
We are delighted to announce another successful round of funding to University City principals for the 2021-2022 school year! Principals specified how best to spend their grant money.
Curie Principal Grants 2021-2022
- Raz Kids
- Second Step Digital Program
Doyle Principal Grants 2021-2022
- English Language Arts computer program for intervention
Spreckels Principal Grants 2021-2022
- Spanish enrichment student consumable materials
Standley Principal Grants 2021-2022
- Student Organizational Planners
- Student Rewards for S.O.A.R. Slips
- Chalkboard Chatter
- Campus Beautification
- Library Collection
UCHS Principal Grants 2021-2022
- Mending Matters
- Graduation Caps
- Honor Cards for Seniors